Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Character Design Portfolio LIIIIVES!

Without further ado!..........


Wow, that was simultaneously the easiest and most difficult blog post ever!

In all sincerity, at the time of this posting, there are a few images missing from the grand scheme of things. They are the last few edits needing a bit more additional work yet. I will update/upload them as they are completed. I spent the last two days writing my resume and cover letter and I am ready to roll out so those edits will be coming soooooon!

I'm slightly nervous and excited for what the future will hold for me. Knock wood, my portfolio will garner some attention and before I know it the shape of things to come will slowly start coming into focus. Just like a Polaroid picture! ;) My trip to CTNX last November solidified my need to relocate if I'm ever going to realize my true career goals, and the five months since then have been very eventful! Sometimes I feel like they've gone by in a blink, and at other times I feel like I've lived five lifetimes. I like it! I like feeling alive. I like the element of surprise. It keeps me on my toes! And I embrace it! Here's to 2012!

I will be in Vancouver, BC, for FanXpo this weekend at the Vancouver Convention Center, then back in Calgary for the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo at the BMo Center April 27-29. If you're attending either or both of those shows, do stop by to say hello! ;)


ps: "Happy Birthday" to my mom, and Conan O'Brien! :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Little Portfolio That Could

...I think I can, I think I can...

Not unlike my excursion to Emerald City Comic Con two weekends ago (in accordance with last week's recap) it seems that life wants to throw me every possible and obvious curve ball to deter me from this path of completing my portfolio. My laptop finally died, and I've been working off of a back-up-of-a-back-up system. Over the course of the past week, I did get an amazing opportunity to test out a Cintiq on loan from a friend. :) Alas, Photoshop crashed upon installing the driver. :( Not just crashed. Died a horrible and glorious death. Over the course of the last week, I've been: sick with recurrent ConSARS, playing single parent, running on a fume, and tried and tested in ways that I cannot explain and do not wish to discuss in a public forum.

OK. I'll quit feeling sorry for myself or making excuses...

Here is another image from my (yes, upcoming) portfolio, a sketch from life, done last week at my favorite local coffee shop (so I know it's new -- just for you)! ;)

I've taken quite the hiatus from my facebook fanpage daily uploads. That was unannounced and unplanned. I'll get back to that soon. A soon as possible. First comes meeting the personal goal/deadline of completing a portfolio ready and worthy of presenting on a broad scale, despite all obstacles. Then comes the fun and frivolous objective of getting back in the saddle with my 'dailies'. Sad but true. The "Emerald City fiasco" threw me. Had to break indefinitely. Nonetheless, I know what's ahead of me and where my intentions lie. I trust that the Universe will take care of the rest!

Until then,

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Emerald City Wrap

Well, where to begin!? Emerald City experience!...

The night before I left Calgary, I received a call from my counterpart in Seattle who said that none of my inventory made it to the show. So I stayed up all night (re)packing all that I could manage. Fair enough. It's not the first all-nighter I've had to pull, and it won't be my last!

...Then I show up at the airport at 6:30 for an 8:00am flight, only to be told that my flight was booked for the wrong weekend, the wrong month altogether! whoopsie.

I still made it to Seattle that morning, via some quick thinking, a shot in the dark, and a little bit of kismet! And I was only about 2 hours behind schedule from the original plan! Not bad! ...Long story short, the lesson was reinforced that with focus and determination, anything is possible. That, and for the right price, a person could flee their current setting or circumstances in a heartbeat! Lol!

Anyway, the show was good, all things considered, but not surprisingly I came down with Con SARS rather immediately (as opposed to immediately-following) SO my apologies for spreading the plague due to my compromised, sleep-deprived immune system. Would I do it again?! Absolutely! Meeting fans and hanging with friends makes it all worth it in the end. True story! 

I did manage to get my portfolio uploaded online before travels, but it is still in its beta-testing phase. That is, it's been sent it to my tried and true network of pros, and is garnering feedback before getting the final spit-shine. Exciting times!

Anyway, I am still recovering, and have an early morning doctor appointment, so here is another image from said portfolio, as I inch ever closer to finalizing!

Ballet Trio
pencil on paper, and digital

Au revoir! Until we meet again next Wednesday!
