Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blog Much??

I've dropped the ball on my Wednesday Blogdays last week as well as yesterday. Tisk. I had knee surgery 3 weeks ago and I am alone with a toddler, as my husband is away on a vacation with his dad. That is my plight. Not a huge excuse for being absent from blogging a little something -- Lord knows I've been on facebook enough :S -- but the truth is I have been very preoccupied with my job search. Much of my time spent on facebook has been networking with industry friends and cooking up plans to relocate to the center of the Animation Universe. Tricky to do without an official job offer on the table -- in fact, it's a huge leap of faith -- but I have decided to move to LA to emerse myself at the hub of it all, to be on hand, ready to jump at a moment's notice, and meet any potential employer half way in that there'd be no hefty relocation costs in having me, just the cost of sponsoring my work visa. C'est fini!

That said, here's the link to my online portfolio once again, and a few choice images to stoke the fires, should the right eyes stumble upon this blog site:  ;)

My pertinent contact info is included on each image. Serious inquiries only, thanks.

I see by the job walls that many of the positions I've already applied to are in fact still posted...meaning those studios are still soliciting applications...meaning submissions probably haven't even begun to be viewed or evaluated yet. I am hopeful that no news is good news at this point, and praying that the Fate Gods will not just nicely see me settle into the greater LA area when an offer comes in from the east coast. ...Still, there is a lot of flex in this Spirit of mine!

That's another wrap, and I shall get better at sticking to my Wednesday regime!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

B!'s Knees

So I had my ACL reconstruct surgery less than a week ago. Hindsight, the whole thing really isn't/wasn't all that bad. However, prior to "going under" I was sincerely not digging the idea of having hardware drilled into my bones. Every time I visualized it, all I could think of was how unnatural that is. AND IT IS! I'm sure many a caveman tore an ACL clean-through whilst chasing her next meal across the tundra. What did they do?! They just healed as best as they could and lived on.


Now, I fully realize that we are no longer Neanderthals. Thus, I am grateful for the profound knowlege and medical sciences that we have evolved to at this point. However, when I awoke from the anesthetic: Full. On. Pain. My surgeon visited my bedside and I asked him what size the screws are. He said, "Only about 20mm long". I said, "Oh that's not so bad; less than an inch!" ... "and 7mm thick." At which point I'm sure I looked as if I were going to faint. Which is why he promptly gave me Percocet! Weeeeee! Free Meds! I heart Canada!

LOL! Here's my weirdo sense of humor while high on Percocet. Enjoy!

That's it for now...No news to report on the job front. Maybe within the next handful of Wednesday Blogdays there'll be something exciting art-wise to write about! It's only been a week since my portfolio has been floating around in the ethereal, so I know I need to exercise greater patience. Just that these painkillers make time seem to go byyyyy soooooo sloooooow....!! ;)


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This is Me, in Mad Job Search Mode!

YES! I've finally started sending out my portfolio, creating log in accounts, and applying online! So far I've hit up a few of the big guys, as well as a couple of choice places in Montreal. I already snagged and interview, so I'm pretty stoked about that!

I was in Montreal last fall for Comic Con and fell in love with the city. Plus I have a TON of friends already living there so I feel really comfortable about the thought of possibly living there. It's a beautiful city, nothing like the kind of beautiful city that Calgary is. Everything in Calgary is new and clean and shiny. Montreal on the other hand is a charming, old city with stunning architecture, and I could really get used to that! And soooo much poutine!...

I've got to keep this post short, as I have to get up at ass-o'clock for knee surgery tomorrow morning. My job search will be cut short this week, but I hope to be alert, painfree, and feeling well enough to continue with my online applications as I rest and recover at home with a laptop in my -- wait for it -- lap. That, and/or I'll finally have ample time to return to making some art! Imagine that!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012


First off, I missed blogging last week...but for good reason! Calgary's Comic & Entertainment Expo was. da. BOMB.


Watching the entire cast of Star Trek The Next Generation reunite for the first time in convention history was by far the highlight of not only the weekend, but probably my life! Sir Patrick Stewart is larger than life, and the whole crew had so much awesome chemistry, it honestly was so surreal!

RIDICULOUS Saturday of the Calgary EXPOlosion! Warm, wonderful fandom all day long, capped off with a little bit of history-making. Check out that assigned seating! Whatta day, whatta night!!!!! Beyond awesome = B-AWESOME!!! (This pic was taken after hours, at late night sushi with good friends!) It's a good life! ;D

My husband usually manages the business end  of "Art of Laurie B!", but I of course was in Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con a month ago, and then Vancouver FanXpo the weekend before last, and he of course has been increasingly less available to me due to his involvement/commitment to the Expo. Thus I have begun to take more command over my business: display, printing, inventory replenishment, etc. and I'm actually digging it quite a lot! I suppose it was never fair to him or me that he was responsible for all of that before. Nonetheless, I'd been busy planning and preparing for the Calgary Expo, and WOW was I impressed with the results! The attendance was record-breaking, and the fandom was unending! I kept busy at my 10X10' booth -- run off my feet is more like it -- all weekend! Thankfully, I enlisted friends and family to help at my booth, so I was constantly covered, and I'm eternally grateful for their presence! Couldn't have done it without them! <3 The home-ice advantage didn't hurt any, either!

I definitely suffered a lot of sleep loss, but ahhhh it was worth it! Plus, give me through to the end of this week and I'll be completely recouped! I had so much fun catching up with friends from out of town, playing host, all with the creature comforts of home and the convenience of being able to sleep in my own bed each night, limited as it was! It's definitely got me thinking about how I can improve and run things differently at other shows...The gears are turning!...

Next up is San Diego Comic Con, July 11th-15th, 2012...In a way, still a couple of months a way, right around the corner!... ;)

I'd like to remind everyone again about my fanpage:
If you have any suggestions for pieces/projects you'd like to see from me at Comic Con this summer, or better yet, place a commission with me to have ready for pick up in July, please "Like" my fanpage and send suggestions that way.

Thanks again for reading and keeping up with me! And I promise to resume posting more art again reeeaaaaal soon!
